AlterEgo GPT, l’avatar digitale che tutti vorremmo avere

Al Meeting Nazionale di A.L.. Assistenza legale Committed to Excellence, a Milano i data 27. 9.2024, è stata presentata AlterEgoGPT, la nuova A.I. che consente di creare il nostro avatar digitale. Era presente l’avvocato australiano Andrew Grech, titolare di una delle più grandi law firm mondiali e ora partner di A.L., che ha mostrato molto interesse con le sue domande.

L’innovativa App è stata presentata in inglese dal C.I.O. avv. Giovanni Bonomo, il quale ha poi dato la parola ai suoi due soci sviluppatori Vittorio Napoli e Vincent Bianchetti, i quali hanno illustrato le caratteristiche tecniche della A.I. App.

Riportiamo di seguito il suo discorso introduttivo.

Dear colleagues, this is an innovative A.I. which gives us access, with a single subscription, to all current and future utilities of the most famous A.I. Apps. But the innovation is the internal chat with our personalized Artificial Intelligence, i.e. our digital avatar who writes thinks and expresses itself as each of us and even better, always preserving our style with which we have used to build loyalty of our clients.

How many times do we happen to be requested in the less appropriate moments or while we are engaged in another job that requires a certain concentration? Yet we can understand the need to contact us only by those who consider us, for the skills and professionalism demonstrated, as an essential point of reference.
We then found a way to keep the clients in a loyal relationship by answering in a way that the client would have waited for us even while we are busy! I want to share with you AlterEgoGPT, an A.I. WebApp that is our digital avatar, which provides answers in our own style and goes even beyond what we ourselves can know and we can answer, because it draws not only to our publications and our writings, but also to the general Artificial Intelligence.

I am enthusiastic and proud, to be the precursor of this new system I put to the availability of A.L. Assistenza Legale, that is AlterEgo, a special A.I. that also makes us know professionally and usefully with all the things that we know and we didn’t think to know.

AlterEgoGPT is much more than a simple A.I., because allowing us to do a progressive charge of our data and our writings, insertion that remains under our exclusive control. Right here comes the beauty, because with my developers members I found the way of being able to load your data and your writings personally, without uncomfortable third-party programmers, building your own Alter Ego progressively until you can replace us in toto. And this will be a worldwide novelty!

But it is now certainly sure that AlteregoGPT will break on the market in every field, and that it will be our innovation because it starts from the lawyer and in particular by A.L. Legal assistance, which will confirm innovation leader continuing the smart way already traced starting from its foundation

La visione dell’avv. Bonomo, che da esperto in diritto dell’informazione e dell’informatica ha intrapreso di recente la strada dell’imprenditoria digitale, è di un’era, già iniziata, in cui sarà normale per ogni professionista avere il proprio Alter Ego digitale. E per la presentazione di tale innovativa App ha scelto A.L. Assistenza Legale, con la previsione che di tale pionieristica svolta beneficerà tutta l’avvocatura.

Candido Franco
28 settembre 2024

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